Empowering Generation X For The Future

Join us for Learning, Laughter, and Longevity Tailored for Generation X.

About Us

We are a company forging a path forward for all of Generation X. We believe that through community, all things are possible.

two person standing on gray tile paving
two person standing on gray tile paving

Our Passion

Imagine a place crafted just for you, where your dreams of a rewarding retirement, exciting travels, smart money moves, and dynamic health come to life. Our exclusive GenX Hangout community is where these dreams turn into reality.


Engage with a community of people who speak your language and survived BB guns, leg warmers, and the Beta Max/VHS war.


Extend and enjoy your life with simple, but effective, lifestyle changes anyone can do.


Premium content and courses tailored for the challenges faced by Generation X.

boy climbing up on tree

“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.”

Mark Twain